Secondary Education is a school in the formal education system that has grades 9 to 12. Secondary Education is education at any of the grades mentioned above. Secondary Education is the next level of (upward) progression after Upper Primary.
There are two levels of secondary education. Lower Secondary Level consists grades 9 & 10 while Upper Secondary consists grades 11 & 12. Lower Secondary education can be attained by attending either a secondary school or a provincial high school - some schools have yet to have their status changed from provincial high school (old education structure) to secondary school (new/reformed structure). Similarly, upper secondary education can also be attained by attending a National High School (NHS)
Prior to 1995, there were only four national high schools where PNG's budding intellects went to further their secondary education after completing grade 10 at the provincial high schools; each region had one and they were a melting pot for students from every province in PNG.
In 1995 Port Moresby NHS was opened and Wawin NHS was opened in 2001. These two were funded by the people of Japan and China respectively. These six national high schools are: Aiyura (EHP), Kerevat (ENB), Passam (ESP), Sogeri (Central), Port Moresby (NCD) and Wawin (MP).
The two main differences between national high and secondary schools are: 1. national high schools come under the national function while secondary schools come under the provincial education boards of the provinces in which they are found; 2.National High Schools only have grades 11 & 12 (upper secondary level) while secondary schools have grades 9 to 12.
The reformed curriculum for lower secondary has nine subject fields. Students must study seven subjects from at least six of these subject fields. The nine subjects fields are: Agriculture, Arts, Business Studies, Design & Technology, Language (English), Mathematics, Personal Development, Science and Social Science.
English, Maths and Personal Development are known as 'Required Subjects' so all students must study these three subjects. They then choose any four other subjects to bring the total subjects to seven. All subjects now have the same status; all have 5 periods per week.
Upper Secondary now has 31 subjects from 25 subject fields. The Required Subjects in upper secondary are: An English/Language, A Mathematics, Personal Development or Religious Education. Subjects are:
Students will study 5 subjects plus PD or RE:
1. An English