2024 Education Theme: Transform Teaching and Learning to Achieve Quality Education for All"    ****     PNG Education Transformation Vision 2075: Transforming our dreams into reality in the next 50 years    ****     " Leave No Child Behind "    ****    

Primary Schools Text Books & Teachers Manuals

Text Books

The National Textbook provides you with a variety of activities and ideas that allow you to learn each subject with your teacher or on your own as an independent learner. The learning skills and processes acquired are expected to be used as learning tools to understand the concepts given in each subject. Students are encouraged to practice what they learn every day both in school and at home with their family and friends.

Teacher's Manual

The Teacher's Manual is produced for primary school teachers to help and guide them to plan and teach lessons in line with the National Textbook. The Teacher's Manual is designed to achieve the implemented curriculum of the content standards outlined in the syllabus. It provides suitable teaching and learning content and concepts for primary school teachers to promote and maintain standard lessons for daily, termly, and yearly teaching and learning activities. It addresses necessary areas of what to teach, how to teach, and what to measure (assess). These Teacher's Manuals should be used with the National Textbook as an official resource for teaching in all primary schools throughout Papua New Guinea to promote the government's policy on “No child left behind in quality education."

Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

GradesSubjectsText Books and Manuals
Grade 1 and Grade 2 Gr1 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Gr2 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Grade 3 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Science Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Grade 4 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Science Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Grade 5 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Science Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Grade 6 Mathematics Text Books
Teacher's Manual
Science Text Books
Teacher's Manual