2024 Education Theme: Transform Teaching and Learning to Achieve Quality Education for All"    ****     PNG Education Transformation Vision 2075: Transforming our dreams into reality in the next 50 years    ****     " Leave No Child Behind "    ****    
About Us Vision & Mission Goals & Values

Vision & Mission


Our vision is to be the lead advisor on Achieving Quality Education and Training, shaping direction for education agencies and providers and contributing to the Government's goals for education.


The Department of Education's mission, as defined by the National Executive Council, is fivefold:

  • To facilitate and promote the integral development of every individual,
  • To develop and encourage an education system which satisfies the requirements of Papua New Guinea and its people,
  • To establish, preserve, and improve the standards of education throughout Papua New Guinea,
  • To make the benefits of such education available as widely as possible to all the people; and
  • To make education accessible to the poor and physically, mentally and socially handicapped, as well as to those who are educationally disadvantaged.